Directions to Clear Lake Condo Rentals

If You are Using Your GPS

Please make sure it says 39 Songbird CIRCLE. If it does not say CIRCLE, you may end up somewhere else.
If there is a choice that says Reeds Spring, MO instead of Branson, MO that is OK to use.


Come North on US-65 to Branson. Exit at MO-76 West (formerly MO-465), the Ozark Mountain High Road; turn left at the bottom of the exit ramp. Take MO-76 West until the freeway ends, about 8 miles. Turn left at the light to continue West on MO-76. Follow signs for Silver Dollar City/Indian Point Road. Turn left onto Indian Point Road. Stay in the left lane; follow signs for Indian Point. Turn right onto Crow’s Nest Trail. Turn right onto Songbird Circle.


Come South on US-65. Exit at MO-76 West (formerly MO-465), the Ozark Mountain High Road; turn left at the bottom of the exit ramp. Take MO-76 West until the freeway ends, about 8 miles. Turn left at the light to continue West on MO-76. Follow signs for Silver Dollar City/Indian Point Road. Turn left onto Indian Point Road. Stay in the left lane; follow signs for Indian Point. Turn right onto Crow’s Nest Trail. Turn right onto Songbird Circle.

Don’t hesitate to call us if you get lost or just want reassurance that you are headed in the right direction! We are happy to help: 866-811-8241